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👉 Welcome to Year Six Multi-coloured Bunting - Twinkl

Year 6

Welcome to the Great Bentley Y6 Webpage 2024-25 

A very warm welcome to the new calendar year - a year which is huge in the life of our lovely children. We start with the SATs, closely followed by our famous residential trip to PGL and our school production - The Wrong Way Round. Following this, we will be thinking about moving up to high school. There is lots happening in the lives of our year 6 children this year, things which will excite, challenge and build up this amazing bunch of friends.  I am so excited for the year ahead!

Please find attached a copy of our Year 6 class letter which outlines all of the routines you'll need to know for the term ahead.  This includes information about homework, PE day and our exciting Year 6 curriculum.

Mr Caffull

Spring Term Parent letter


spring term 2025 class newsletter year 6.pdf



VIPERS questions to help listening to your child read.

Reading VIPERS questions


Homework will be set weekly on a Monday and will be sent home. It is due in on Friday of the same week but may be brought in early if completed.

PE will be every Tuesday and pupils will need to come into school in full PE kits. 



"Today a reader... tomorrow a leader!"

"Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind.."

Here in Year 6, we believe that reading opens the doors for all manner of possibilities! We encourage the children to use our reading corner regularly, and we hope that you find a comfy space to read with your child at home. 

Please look at the age related reading text link below to try out some interesting books...

Reading List:

Year 6 Book List



Below is a video, showing you how to complete the mathematical questions set on the weekly arithmetic papers. Hope its helpful. Mr C 



SEND and wellbeing resources.

