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👉 Welcome to Year Six Multi-coloured Bunting - Twinkl

Year 6

Welcome to the Great Bentley Y6 Webpage

Here you will find all the information you need for the term's learning. Please also find the parent letter outlining our summer term curriculum.


Preparations for our SATs are well under way. The children are working really hard and we are really excited about them showcasing their abilities. SATs week is the week beginning May 13th 2024.  It is really important that your child is in school up to and including this week. Please do everything you can to ensure the children are in school, every day. Thank you.

The following document tells you, as parents, all you need to know about the SATs. 


Easter Holiday Homework

Soon after your Easter holidays you will be sitting your KS2 SATs. After all your hard work this year, we do not want you to forget all that work over the break! If you do a little bit of work every day it will keep things fresh in your mind when you come back to school. By using these packs, you will be using the key skills you have been rehearsing all year. It is called 10-4-10 ’10 minutes for 10 days.’ Everyday there are some Reading texts and questions, and a couple of SATs style questions. The same is available for maths too. Try to do as much of the booklets as you can, remember it should take around 10 minutes each day. If you struggle with anything, make sure you ask Mr Caffull when you return to school.

While the reading booklet is the same for everyone, the maths has been split into two books. Those who are looking to get 'age related expectation' (Score of 100) should use the 'Egg-specting' booklet. Those hoping to achieve 'greater depth' (Score of 110) can use the 'Egg-seeding' booklet. The children will be selecting their challenge in class.




In class, we like to check answers to questions regularly. This helps the children to self correct and understand where mistakes have been made 'in the moment'.

As such, here are the answer booklets to each of the sets of Easter homework.  Please feel free to use these each day to support the children with this.




Dates for your diary:

SATS Week:

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May.

PGL Week

Monday 10th - Friday 14th June.

Enterprise Day

Friday 5th July – details to follow.

End of Term Production and Leavers Assembly

Tuesday 9th July @ 13:30 Leavers Production.

Thursday 11th July @ 15:30 Leavers Production.

Friday 19th July am Leavers Assembly.

Summer Term Parent letter

Here is our parent letter for this term.



VIPERS questions to help listening to your child read.

Reading VIPERS questions


Homework will be set weekly on a Monday and will be sent home. It is due in on Friday of the same week but may be brought in early if completed.

PE will be every Monday and pupils will need to come into school in full PE kits. 



"Today a reader... tomorrow a leader!"

"Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind.."

Here in Year 6, we believe that reading opens the doors for all manner of possibilities! We encourage the children to use our reading corner regularly, and we hope that you find a comfy space to read with your child at home. 

Please look at the age related reading text link below to try out some interesting books...

Reading List:

Year 6 Book List



Below is a video, showing you how to complete the mathematical questions set on the weekly arithmetic papers. Hope its helpful. Mr C 



SEND and wellbeing resources.

